
Martial arts in the movies and in real life

Martial arts in the movies

So in the movies when people are learning martial arts and Karate someone’s usually being bullied, low confidence or leading a negative lifestyle they want to escape from. Along their journey after many beatings, many lonely nights and some crying they decide enough is enough!

They want and need change, it’s gone on too long and being the outcast is no longer an option. They have a fire or hunger for success, confidence, change and to kick ass in life. Maybe they want to impress someone, maybe they’re sick of losing, running and hiding so now they stand up! 

So at this point they either randomly find a Sensei, who takes them under the Sensei’s wing and they start their wax on wax off journey to self discovery. The Sensei is wise, slow but steady, has a high level of martial arts skills and is seen as the ‘master’.

Then the bullied or low confidence person has some training, often seen in pain, sweating loads, break-in their own spirit and often on the floor trying to catch their breath. Sensei isn’t having any of it and forces them to carry on, push past boundaries and break comfort zones. Before long they are breaking boards, high kicking to outer space and becoming a bad ass…

Then comes the show down, where the months of training, sweat and tears pays off. There’s a big emotional point where either they face their bully or burst with confidence quitting their job and chasing their dreams. This big emotional rollercoaster is the main character becoming the best version of themselves and now becoming the winner in the film. Great films to be fair and inspirational.

But can we have all of this in real life? Like can we face and defeat bullies? Can we walk away from a hated lifestyle and start winning??

Real life training and personal development

So in real life we want to overcome bullies, build confidence, change our careers and change our lives just like the films. But is all this possible like the films? Where do we start?
The good news is that you can 100% change your whole life by joining a martial arts school, preferably MSK School of Martial Arts in Eastbourne. But thats down to you…

The bullies always get’s whats coming to them, so if you’re being bullied then martial arts can massively help you overcome this unfortunate situation. The down side is it probably won’t end in a massive arena with the whole town watching a huge show down, where you beat your bully and walk away victorious.

You will however build up self defence skills, strength, stamina and a mindset of not being scared of being hit. Due to sparring and training you’ll become tougher, you’ll realise you won’t break and you can handle a physical altercation. This will give you HUGE confidence. 

With this confidence comes what many of us want, clearer thinking, more self control, more authority and more defined social skills. These will help you in many areas of life, especially areas you was worried or feared about before. You’ll be able to talk firm, clear and concise. 

This means you’ll face bullies, you’ll go after promotions, you’ll be more comfortable in social situations, you won’t fear physical altercations, your anxiety will drop drastically and eventually you’ll realise that the new you, was in you all along…

Now we know big showdowns, dramatic exits and triple backflips are amazing in films, but in real life you’ll still win but in a different way. You’ll find the new healthier, fitter and stronger you. But it will be more mind, body and spirit. Not just bad ass Martial arts skills and dramatic show downs.

Contact us to start your self development journey, start the beginning of your inspiring movie!

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