
Combating mental health in Eastbourne

Combating mental health in Eastbourne

Here at MSK school of martial arts we know how important it is for those suffering or dealing with any mental health issues to get more active, yet this is so much more difficult when you’re already fighting a constant battle inside your own mind. It’s mentally draining and can be exhausting to be able to even function properly when you’ve constantly got an over active or reactive mindset. Wether that is anxieties, depression, PTSD, or any other mental health issue. It can really take it out of you and drain your physical energy due to your mind constantly working overtime. 

Yet with that said we know that being active can greatly improve many different mental health issues, support recovery and even in cases turn peoples lives around due to the HUGE benefits of getting yourself active again whilst suffering with any mental health issues. This doesn’t have to be Karate, Judo, or Martial Arts. Being active can simply be walking in the park, getting more steps in per day, a little jog in the evenings and progressing from there. So this isn’t about jumping straight into a combat sport or joining that gym today! It’s not about getting yourself in uncomfortable positions which could worsen your anxieties, fears, etc. It is about taking the small progressive steps to becoming a happier, healthier, more energetic person, who’s gaining confidence and winning the fight against your mind. 

Benefits of being more active with mental health issues: 

• Exercise of any kind is natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment, those who exercise or get active have all stated that after or during their activity, they feel less stressed, less anxious and overtime build confidence and habits that prolong these positive feelings. This is due endorphins being released in the body and this boosts your physical and mental energy, which also enhances your wellbeing.

• Confidence is a HUGE emotional attachment to many mental health issues people are faced with, as low confidence can also have contribute to low self-esteem, low energy, feelings of less value or self worth. Boosting your confidence can greatly improve other areas of your life as well as areas of your emotional state. Exercise, Fitness classes, Martial Arts, Combat sports, etc, have all been known to improve your confidence. 

• Social skills and socialising are probably some of the biggest fears for those suffering mental ill health, yet fitness/exercise classes help develop your social skills whilst keeping you active. The active part keeps you focused so you worry less about the people in the room, it also releases endorphins which are a happy chemical in your body making it easier in time. Over time this task of being ‘social’ or ‘socialising’ becomes easier due to your increased confidence and energy levels. 


MSK school of martial arts understands 

Here at MSK school of martial arts we know exactly how tough it can be to get back out their when you are or have been suffering mentally, we know you’re already fighting the hardest battle inside your own mind. You’re fighting demons and battles you feel no one knows about. We get it… 

Just so you know we support all kinds of mental ill health, we never push or pressure anyone into tasks they can not or fear to much. We do however work along side you to break your comfort zones, guide you through some of your mental and emotional obstacles and want to see you grow both physically, mentally and spiritually. 

Benefits of full contact martial arts: 

  • Conditioning
  • Flexibility
  • Posture
  • Weight loss
  • Improved stamina
  • Skeletal bone density
  • Muscular strength
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Improved cardiorespiratory fitness
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Higher strength and bone mineral density
  • Lower body fat in females
  • Blunting of acute stress 
  • Confidence boosting 
  • Team building skills 
  • Icreased energy levels throughout the day